On Saturday, March 25th, 2023, the Melissa Interact Club, a high school organization sponsored by the Melissa Rotary Club, led a community project to sew and fill boxes of pillowcase dresses to ship to Africa and many other countries.
The club provided opportunities for volunteers to help sew and package the dresses. The students and volunteers made over 200 dresses to ship to little girls in Africa.
The club also pro
vided opportunities for volunteers to donate materials and money to buy materials, as well as contribute to the $2/dress average shipping cost

You can find more information on the global project here, or inquire at Info@LittleDressesforAfrica.com
Dresses are sent to LDFA to distribute through mission groups all over the world, and taken personally by our teams, or sent in large quantities through our 40 ft containers twice a year to our warehouse in Malawi. During dress distribution, the LDFA organization identifies other needs with regard to: clean water, primary education, and community.
Little Dresses for Africa is a registered Christian non-profit 501c3, founded in 2008, which sends relief to all parts of Africa and many countries beyond, through the distribution of little dresses made by volunteers from all over the world.

"We're not just sending dresses, we're sending hope."; Hope changes how a child sees himself.
The LDFA goal continues to be to honor the most vulnerable of God's children through this type of humanitarian relief. Through these dresses, LDFA offers relief through clean water, education and community.