You are invited next Thursday, June 13th, from 12-1pm for a quick bite to eat while being inspired to make a difference. Lance Olinski will speak to the Melissa Rotary Club for their monthly community luncheon meeting. Lance is the founder of a mobile shower outreach called "Streetside Showers". Streetside Showers is a Non-Profit Organization that provides showers and hygiene to the homeless in North Texas. He is passionate about serving those that the world has forgotten. His favorite quote is from Bill Wilson of Metro Ministries, “The purest form of love in this world is demonstrated by a person who loves somebody who can give absolutely nothing in return.” He tries to live this out everyday.
Residents of Melissa are welcome as guests of Rotary. The meeting starts at noon at the Crossland Learning Center (the red building) at the Melissa ISD headquarters, 1904 Cooper Street, Melissa, TX 75454. Please park in the back parking lot on the east end of the campus.